Dear Regional Directors,
I pray that you are each safe and healthy. New and challenging things are happening around the country, but God is in charge. These challenges give us new opportunities to reach out and pray for people we otherwise may not meet. We have been preparing for this. We have a Rule of Life, we have done inner healing prayer for our emotional needs, we have sought good physical health practices, and now we are ready to help others who need us. We have the media tools to reach out to many people and support them with phone, Skype, zoom, email and long distance prayers. We are physically isolated but we are connected relationally.
In the early centuries of Christianity, leprosy became prevalent in Rome, and it was the Christians who went among them caring for them and praying for them. Their witness brought many unbelievers to seek to know Jesus. It changed the world view at the time. Our witness in this time is an opportunity to demonstrate the authority of Jesus' name and the power of his compassion and love.
OSL is one large Healing Community with many smaller Healing Communities. We stand together in prayerful support as we walk through this time. Use all the avenues you have to stay connected and to reach out to people isolated at this time. The board is here to talk with any of you or to offer prayer support. Conferences have had to be canceled but Josh is working on an online conference for all.
You are welcome to forward this to all your conveners so that they all know of our mutual support and prayers. God's blessings on you and your family and those in your care.
+Rev. Paul Feider