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Downloadable Documents
A Strategy for Growing OSL Using Organizational Growth Principles
1-Day Workshop (Bootcamp) to introduce healing ministry (Dropbox)
Certificate of Discerning Membership and Application for Full Membership
Healing Community Info Sheet (please fill out and send to your regional director)
OSL Members' Ministries, Books, Blogs, Podcasts
Do you have a creative or spiritual endeavor that might be of interest to other OSL members? You are welcome to "advertise" it here. Contact (or use the chat box on the site) to send information that can be published here. I don't promise a huge audience, but because we share interests as OSL members, your blog post, newsletter, ministry, webpage, music, artwork etc., may be a blessing to another OSL member.
Dr. Clement Anyiwo:
Let the Cock Crow by Dr. Clement Anyiwo
Pam Fernando:
The God Who Whispers, by Pam Fernando and Fran Roseberrry