Is your OSL Community stuck in a rut? Are people losing interest? Are you trying to start a new community, and having trouble? Would you like to expand your community? Here are some practical ideas to give your community a boost.
Partner with another OSL Community. Make new friends, fellowship and pray together. Every community is different and can learn from one another. Engage, uplift, and encourage one another. Whether your group meets physically or online, there are opportunities to share with other groups and study and/or minister together.
Invite guest speakers. A lot of online groups are having great success with this! Study someone's book together, and then invite the author to Zoom with your group. Even groups who meet physically can invite someone from across the globe to join them via Zoom!
Have members take turns leading the group in a study or a devotional, or leading the meeting.
Send personal notes to members who are no longer active. Perhaps even engage members who are homebound to send cards to church members or particular groups, like youth, or ministries that work quietly behind the scene... or local nursing home residents... the list is endless. Pray for them, and send them a note letting them know you prayed for them.
Ask members in your healing community to choose a day to pray for the requests on the OSL Prayer Wall.
Ask your regional director for a list of OSL members near your zip code. Not all members have a community. Be their community!
Personally invite people to your meetings.
Do a book or video study together, and advertise it. Use social media to place ads to reach people in your area who don't know about your OSL Community, or reach out to nearby churches to publicize an upcoming study.
Take OSL to the marketplace: nursing homes, hospitals, food banks, street corners, farmers markets, etc. Wear t-shirts that say "How may I pray for you?" or put up a tent outside your church for drive-through prayer.
Visit shut-ins. Ask your pastor how OSL can help with pastoral care.
Purchase Sharing Magazine bundles to distribute in your church and beyond.
Set up a regular prayer time to offer healing prayer to walk-ins or by appointment.
