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OSL September Cycle of Prayer

Writer: Jackie DossJackie Doss

Opening Prayer Loving Father, we thank You for blessing us and calling us into a ministry of blessing, as well as healing. Open the eyes of our hearts to see others through Your eyes, including ways in which they may have been hurt in the past.

Holy Spirit, bring to mind someone in my family (____________), church or healing community (____________), and/or the larger world (____________) whom You are calling me to BLESS today.

Give me Your empathy, understanding and compassion for this person or group. Show me exactly how You want me to bless them.

In Jesus’ name, I bless you, ___________, to be the person God created you to be. I bless you to flourish and thrive, secure in your identity as God’s beloved child, with whom He is well pleased! I bless you with _______________.

Lord Jesus, lead me to the person(s) in my life or community whom You want to LOVE through me today. Who needs Your healing touch? Help me to find a friend or team to go with me to those to whom You lead us, whether they are under our own roof, across town, or in the youth room, pew, prison, hospital, or retirement community.

Use the extraverts’ enthusiasm and the introverts’ quiet depth to reach out with warmth and kindness. Send OSL prayer ministers with gifts akin to those used in medicine: wise diagnosticians to discern the root cause and how best to pray; courageous surgeons who are not afraid to do the intense, hands-on praying, and gentle chaplains and nurses who encourage prayer recipients when the healing process is painful or slower than expected.

Jesus, we come to You as little children, raising our hands to be picked up and blessed by You. In Your strong arms, we feel safe and secure. When we have a friend who needs Your help, all we have to do is take them by the hand and lead them to You. We know that You will heal them and love them into wholeness. We can entrust them to Your care. May we be so attuned to You that we are willing to sacrifice comfort, convenience, and control in order to follow You when You stop to minister to the wounded person on the side of the road. We want to heal and bless others with You. Send us out to change our corner of the world with Your mighty, transforming and healing love. Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!

Closing Prayer

Thank you, Jesus, for teaching us to "Let the little children come to me....”

Thank you that you continue to invite our children to come and be in your loving and healing presence.

Jesus, in your name, I bless our children with the gift of love and joy flowing directly from Abba's heart into their hearts.

I bless them with a fresh in-filling of the Holy Spirit that teaches and leads them every day.

I bless their homes and schools with a shield of God's light and love that protects them and every member of their families from all harm and evil influence throughout this day and week.

In Jesus' name I pray. AMEN.

“Jesus… said to them, ‘Let the little children come to me; do not stop them, for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.’ And he took them up in his arms, laid his hands on them, and blessed them.” Mark 10:14,16, NRSV

Follow-up Prayer

Thank You, Lord Jesus for working powerfully through our prayers so that new healing communities are being birthed and strengthened all over North America, including the new OSL Honduras!

Keep those waves of blessing flowing, rejuvenating more and more people with the living water of Your healing love. Enlarge the tent of OSL so that we are bursting at the seams! (Adapted from Isaiah 54:2-3, NLT)

1) Freely flowing blessings!

2) Warm, welcoming gatherings

3) Thriving OSL healing communities

4) Inviting friends to OSL gatherings

5) Blessing prayer for flourishing

6) Clergy and lay leaders experiencing healing

7) Resounding support from clergy

8) Strong new OSL chaplains

9) Churches excited about healing prayer

10) Uniting many denominations 11) Courage to step out!

12) Carrying healing outside the church

13) Involving children and youth

14) Passing Jesus’ healing to the next generation

15) Expanding OSL in Honduras and Belize

16) Robust prayer covering

17) Strong, sustaining financial support

18) Raising up anointed teachers

19) Powerful ministry to men

20) Growing Spanish-language ministry

21) More generational healing services

22) Fruitful partnerships

23) New workers for God’s harvest of healing!

24) Vibrant growth in OSL Canada

25) Youth experiencing healing through prayer

26) Excited new and renewing members!

27) Breakthrough blessing for communications

28) Strong support for staff

29) Vision and inspiration for our leaders

30) Grateful hearts!

Feel free to pray for these blessings for OSL one day at a time, or for all of them every day. Extend these blessings to the members, conveners, chaplains, regional directors, board and staff



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