The last time I wrote to you, I spoke of my own short journey in the ministry of healing, and that I understand how we can lose our enthusiasm or become discouraged, and most importantly, that if we lift our hearts to the Lord, He will give us a new vision.
Have you felt the rumblings? To me, it has been like the sun breaking through after a storm. As I take “the next step” and then “the next step” with God, He keeps giving me a glimpse of his glory. What I FEEL in the atmosphere is a reawakening of God’s people as His Spirit moves among us and through us.
The key, I have found, to seeing this move of God is to connect with other people. Imagine that! The BODY of Christ is where we see His Spirit move! <insert a little snark here>.
Earlier this month, I had the pleasure of serving on team of the new “Renewal Weekend” in the DFW area, which is a re-imagining/updating/Anglicizing of the Cursillo weekend. During the weekend, we use the power of small, intimate groups to explore the wonder of God’s grace together and share how we can evangelize our communities through the practices of piety, study, and action.
The beautiful souls I met and fellowshipped with this weekend reminded me of how strong we are when we are in true Christian community… when we allow ourselves to be vulnerable, and seek the face of Christ in all we meet…when we make the commitment to walk together in the love and peace of Christ.
I encourage you to step out and not only seek deeper fellowship with those you know, but make connections with saints that you don’t know… find out what they’re doing in their communities to usher in the Kingdom of God as they move in the Holy Spirit. Ask God to show you the next step.

For the Lord God is a sun and shield; he bestows favor and honor. No good thing does the Lord withhold from those who walk uprightly. Ps 84:11