OSL is busy creating an Online Center for Healing Prayer, and part of it is already live! When completed, it will consist of three sections:

Prayer Room: An online center for live prayer ministry using Zoom. This is the most exciting part! It’s a wonderful opportunity to use your gifts to minister to people from around the globe, and also an opportunity for new OSL members to gain experience as a prayer minister.
Prayer Wall where you can post prayer requests and respond to them. This section is already live. Check it out! Let the supplicants hear from you and know you are praying! Click here to go to the prayer wall and post a prayer or prayer request.
Healing Services: A calendar of online healing services (perhaps broadcast from your church) where you can post live services and people can virtually attend by just clicking the link.
At this time, we are in need of volunteers for all manner of things: prayer ministry, zoom host, prayer wall admin, etc. Please prayerfully consider how you might participate in this wonderful venture, and apply to be a volunteer here. If you’re not sure how you can help, apply anyway, because the Holy Spirit knows exactly where He wants you!
When completed, the Online Center for Healing Prayer will be a part of the OSLToday website, and will attract people from far and wide to our ministry. Get ready to be overwhelmed with the spirit of revival in the church of Jesus Christ as we bring healing and hope to people who wouldn’t have been reached otherwise!